I want love to create a ripple effect, I want love to create waves. So I have included 3 non-for profits that are near and dear to my heart. Part of your weddings proceeds is donated to one of these charities, and I want you to choose, so you can share your love further.
Sharing the Love
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I have volunteered 100's of hours to World Relief and Its been an amazing and humbling experience. I work with refugees from all around the world who have landed in Chicago. I often am the one to greet Refugees as they arrive at the airport, or helping a young refugee family navigate the complex American legal system, teaching them how to use public transportation, and sometimes just sitting for tea and being a friend in a place where they have no one.
World Relief is a Non for Profit that assist Refugees, Asylum seekers, and displaced people. They also advocate for policy changes, assist natural disaster relief and peacemaking.
Paradise Rescue
If you have been lucky enough to go to Puerto Rico, you are likely to spot dozens of stray cats and dogs wondering the streets, highways, and beaches. It doesn't really matter what part of the world or 7 wonders is in front of me- If there is a stray pet, you bet your butt Im going to pet it and give it some food. I was so lucky to be able to connect with Paradise Rescue, help at their shelter, and bring back 4 little pups to Chicago to be adopted.
The purpose of Paradise Rescue is to bring awareness to and help reduce the stray domesticated animal population in Puerto Rico by: educating the public on best practices and care for pets; rescuing and relocating stray animals; creating a network of foster homes and sister rescues located in the United States.

ocean conservancy
I like living on this beautiful planet. I hope you do to.
Ocean Conservancy create climate-ready action policies and plans that preserve our oceans and the cities around them. Works and supports with communities around the world on preserving their oceans.
Ready to Choose?
Once you have chosen your non for profit, please proceed to the CONTACT page and let me know in the details